Wednesday 2 July 2014

July Challenge - Day 3

The 31 day challenge isn't happening without its fair share of teething problems, but the comments, emails and feedback I've received so far definitely makes it worth the effort. Thank you to everyone who commented, whether by email or on our Facebook page. Every single one of them holds a special place in my inbox.

I certainly have to take part in the challenge, so yesterday when I started handing out hugs, the girls kept coming back for more!

Don’t worry if you missed out and are only joining us now, just jump right in!

We build onto previous assignments, so remember to keep smiling today and give a hug!

Assignment for Day 3: “I love you”

Only three words, but for some so difficult to say.

In our house it has formed part of the evening routine. Daddy reads a story and a Bible story, I put our youngest in bed while he and our oldest says a prayer and gets into bed. Sometimes Daddy lays next to her and they chat until it’s my turn. When I lay down next to our eldest I always say “Goodnight, love you.” with a kiss on her forehead. Her reply “Love you more mommy”

Just like hugs during the day in our house I’ll choose a time just to assure her that, no matter what, I will always love her. It’s important to know that we are loved, even if we don’t deserve it! It’s exactly at the times when we deserve it the least that we need to hear it the most.


I love hearing from you, leave a message or send an email and tell me how difficult or easy today's assignment was for you!


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